Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On Illness and Animals

Well, Eleanor is sick again. Mild pneumonia but the 2nd round in 4 months. Apparently, once she's had it once, she is pre-disposed to getting it again.  We had to go to CHEO today for more chest x-rays, and she was a champ, in spite of the archaic contraption they have set up to keep her in position...seems like the only chance I get to update this blog is when she's down and out...

That being said, since she started walking, she rarely ACTUALLY walks...She's full out running, and occasionally falling. Skinned knees are just how we roll. She's a really happy and fun toddler, REALLY strong-willed, and higher-power-help me (see there really is a lack of expletives that don't have religious connotations!!), the temper tantrums are starting early around these parts.  But she's getting more and more fun, and developing a heck of a sense of humour. I'm so lucky, getting to hang with her...most days...:)

There's something magical about watching her make connections.  Whether it's building and putting things together, physically, or climbing, or language...she still doesn't have a ton of words, but her sign language is exploding. And if she doesn't know the sign for something, she signs something else and then shakes her head No...
Example: while looking through her animal book, I ask her to show me the Elephant (one of her favourites)
Ellie points to Elephant and makes the sign and sound. Then she points to the Antelope. Well, Mommy doesn't KNOW that sign, so I say "that's an antelope!" So she signs Elephant, points to the antelope, and then shakes her head the sign for Antelope is now "not-an-elephant".  Wild.

We went to the Experimental farm here a couple of weeks ago before she got sick, and for a kiddo who LOVES her animal books, she's a bit hesitant about the "real deal". I guess I can't blame her. Cows ARE pretty massive to a 24 lb toddler...she quite liked the chickens, though. More her size.  And most recently, she is completely in love with our 15 year old Siamese cat and wants to follow him wherever he goes. Including up on the back of the sofa, onto and under tables, on the ottoman. Together, they pushed the 90 lb.  dog off of her chair, and Ellie read a story to Mouse.  OK, the little monkey is up, so I'm off for now!
Following Mouse wherever he goes

Reading to the cat

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