I've been having another crisis of "faith". Canadian and American Thanksgiving aside, now begins the season of Christmas music, Santas, reindeer (which i LOVE that Ellie signs Moose for every time), and mall-insanity.
On top of that, I have now joined the ranks of 12-steppers and have attended my first ACoA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) meeting. Here's the thing... there were SO many things said at the meeting and in the literature I've been delving into that ring true, that make me feel like I have found some common ground and some explanation for a lot of "why I am the way I am". But then there's all this "higher power" stuff. It's very clearly worded as to God, however you may define it , but it's the entire concept of "Let go and let God" baffles me. How am I supposed to reconcile my atheism with "...believing a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to wholeness"; or "...make a decision to turn our will and our lives over the the care of God, as we understood God"??
Much to think about...
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