Monday, January 10, 2011

Secular Judaism? Is that like Jumbo Shrimp?

Neither really sound too kosher to me.

So I've come across a few references to "secular Judaism" recently...all the culture, none of the God stuff? Not sure how I feel about this...But it's made me think a lot about what, if anything, I WOULD like Ellie to experience as a technical MOT (Member of the Tribe). What parts about being raised as a "nice Jewish girl" are worth passing on? How much of that is based in Judaism, versus basic parenting?

Let me just start by saying that I am, by no means, an expert in Talmudic studies or Jewish history...I had a good foundation as a little kid, but let's face it, that was a looooong time ago. Considering how much I tried to distance myself from all that as I got older, I now find myself fascinated by theology. Perhaps a part of me has always been curious, as a science-geek and avid reader, I have read a fair amount of fiction with religious themes, be they farce (Good Omens), dark comedy (Towing Jehovah), children's books (Narnia, of course, but also His Dark Materials), historical fiction (The Red Tent), and more.

But right now, I really just need to figure what parts of my Jewish heritage has meaning, to me, that's worth passing on to her. And that means looking a little deeper than I have in awhile.

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